Michelle Carrington,
Beauty Copywriter
Michelle Carrington is a copywriter and strategist who helps indie beauty brands put their best face forward through research-backed copy and content. Fed up with the 9-to-5 grind, she decided to dive into running her own business during the pandemic.
Although she loved the new-found flexibility that came with being an entrepreneur, finding consistency in the work and client flow was a struggle. The highs were high (“I’m doing this! I’m living the dream!”) and the lows were very low (“I’m a fraud. Why would anyone want to hire me?”). Low self-esteem and overwhelm made running (and growing) the business tricky.
Here's what happened next...
indset & Business
Before Mastermind:
When Michelle started her business, her leads came primarily through Instagram, which could sometimes take months to turn into paid work. She would occasionally search job boards like Upwork to find gigs, but they were often low-paying with misaligned clients (which she would still accept just to have something, even though this would often make her feel worse afterwards).
Scarcity mindset, imposter syndrome, comparison with others, and fear of not making ends meet were all part of regular thought patterns that kept Michelle feeling stuck. She had a big list of “half-cooked ideas” to increase her visibility, but launching any of these things was terrifying.
Prior to enrolling in my Business Builder Mastermind, Michelle was caught in panic mode. A big copywriting project she was waiting on didn’t come through, and she had zero clients lined up in its place. She was considering jumping ship on her business altogether.
Worrying about the next paycheque made it harder to take the time and space to get really clear about the business and life she wanted to build.
“I was stuck in analysis paralysis. In theory, I knew what to do, right? There's no shortage of work out there; there are hundreds of brands that need plenty of writers.
I just didn’t know how to reach them, and I kept overthinking everything I knew I needed to increase my visibility.
I knew I needed to diversify, but I didn't know where to start. I felt stuck.”
~Michelle Carrington
Shifts & Transformtions
During Mastermind:
The Business Builder Mastermind program helped Michelle articulate not just where she wanted to go with her life and business, but also what was stopping her from getting there and what to do instead.
With more clarity, Michelle started being more intentional with her outreach efforts, ultimately “placing her eggs in different baskets,” which led to attracting work from different areas “without feeling like it was work.”
Overall, she became more aware of the patterns that held her back in the past so that she could make more informed decisions about how she wanted to think and feel instead. Armed with concrete steps to reach her goals, she felt an increased sense of confidence and bias towards taking action.
“I finally saw my business as this long-term, future thing—not just something I'm doing until I decide to go back to the reality of a 9 to 5. My business is actually something that is sustainable, scalable, and can do well.”
~Michelle Carrington
Embodying her Highest Self!
After Mastermind:
Greater peace of mind is one of the biggest changes Michelle has noticed since finishing the program. She no longer feels overwhelmed and, when negative feelings do arise, she knows how to manage them and not remain stuck in the cycle.
She also worked through her beliefs about money to cultivate an abundance mindset and increase her rates. During the last month of the program, she was shocked when a prospect offered her more money for one project than she’d normally make in a month! Instead of questioning her worth, the self-awareness she developed through the program helped her recognize old patterns and embrace the belief that she deserves to be paid well for her work.
The main transformations she experienced were around:
Gaining clarity around the life and business she wants to build
Building a strong mindset and trusting herself
Implementing self-care as part of her daily life and business efforts
Diversifying her efforts strategically in order to generate more business
The main transformations that Michelle experienced still during the program include:
She went from zero to fully booked within one month of the program
She is now booking new clients 3 months in advance!
She launched her email newsletter, The Makeup Chair, and her blog and created a consistent yet flexible schedule for content creation
She completed a brand photoshoot with fellow Mastermind alumni Fernanda Lima, fully embodying her higher self in the process
She went through a rebrand and is currently working on refreshing her website!
“If you’re at a stage in your business where you are starting out and you feel that you're entering a cave without a flashlight, this is the course to take.”
Final Takeaways
A big believer in professional development, Michelle had taken a number of business related courses in the past, which she enjoyed and felt were worthwhile investments. However, even with this training under her belt, she still felt that the courses provided the overall recipe for success, but didn’t necessarily provide accountability to ensure follow-through. Her main challenge was taking what she learned and actually applying it to her business.
Compared to the other courses she’s taken, Michelle felt that the Business Builder Mastermind was packed with value, and she will continue referring back to the lessons as she needs refreshers.
For someone considering enrolling in this program, she had the following to share:
“Mindset has always been my biggest block, and your approach to marketing and strategy with a mindful approach was a game-changer. I feel empowered, validated and excited about the future”.

The best way to predict the
future is to create it.
If you’re ready to gain clarity, strengthen your mindset, and take inspired action towards building the life of your dreams, get in touch today!